Motor Transport Mutual Risk Retention Group

Motor Transport Mutual Risk Retention Group

“A niche transportation insurance company you can trust”

"MTM RRG understands that your business is as diverse as the cargo you’re contracted to deliver. Connect with us directly or through your agent to find out how we can help you protect your business."

Security & Stability

Motor Transport Mutual RRG has purchased an excess Reinsurance Treaty from various Syndicates at Lloyd’s of London which is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best with Financial Size Category of XV.


From initial underwriting through claims management you will be served by experienced industry experts. MTM RRG utilizes best in class service providers for all its functions.

Protection for the Road to Success

Whether you are a single vehicle owner-operator or responsible for a fleet of commercial vehicles, as a mutual insurance company we provide the coverages you need at an affordable price and reward sound risk management and a good loss history.

If your business is long haul trucking, MTM RRG can meet your needs. 1 to 10 vehicles receive 48 hour or less turnaround. Larger fleets or accounts are eligible and will be referred to our underwriting team.

Our practice

Knowledge That Can Serve Your Needs​

Stay on top of the constantly changing commercial auto industry with MTM RRG’s flexible product offerings, services, and industry expertise.